[el-suh-nuh] /ˈɛl sə nə/
Dutch name of .
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- Elsevier
[el-zuh-veer, -ver, -suh-] /ˈɛl zəˌvɪər, -vər, -sə-/ noun, adjective 1. . [el-zuh-veer, -ver, -suh-] /ˈɛl zəˌvɪər, -vər, -sə-/ noun 1. Louis, c1540–1617, Dutch printer: founder of a printing firm at Leyden (1591?) that was operated by his descendants through the 18th century. 2. a book produced by this printing house. 3. a style of printing […]
- Elsewhere
[els-hwair, -wair] /ˈɛlsˌʰwɛər, -ˌwɛər/ adverb 1. somewhere else; in or to some other place: You will have to look elsewhere for an answer. /ˌɛlsˈwɛə/ adverb 1. in or to another place; somewhere else n. c.1400, elswher, from Old English elles hwær (see else + where).
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[els-hwith-er, -with-, els-hwith -, -with -] /ˈɛlsˌʰwɪð ər, -ˌwɪð-, ɛlsˈʰwɪð-, -ˈwɪð-/ adverb, Archaic. 1. in another direction; toward a different place or goal.
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Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
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[el-see] /ˈɛl si/ noun 1. a female given name, form of . language A distributed version of ELLIS. [“Using Object-Oriented Mechanisms to Describe Linda”, P. Broadbery et al, in “Linda-Like Systems and Their Implementati”on, G. Wilson ed, U Edinburgh TR 91-13, 1991]. (1995-11-16)