a solvent used for eluting
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[el-oo l; Sephardic Hebrew e-lool; Ashkenazic Hebrew e-luh l] /ˈɛl ʊl; Sephardic Hebrew ɛˈlul; Ashkenazic Hebrew ˈɛ ləl/ noun 1. the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar. /ɛˈluːl/ noun 1. (in the Jewish calendar) the sixth month of the year according to biblical reckoning and the twelfth month of the civil year, usually falling within […]
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[e-loo r-uh] /ɛˈlʊər ə/ noun 1. .
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[ih-loo-zhuh n] /ɪˈlu ʒən/ noun 1. the act of ; evasion. n. 1540s, noun of action from elude, or from Medieval Latin elusionem (nominative elusio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin eludere.
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[ih-loo-siv] /ɪˈlu sɪv/ adjective 1. or failing to allow for or accommodate a clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define: an elusive concept. 2. cleverly or skillfully evasive: a fish too elusive to catch. 3. difficult to find: hoping that elusive donors will finally contribute. /ɪˈluːsɪv/ adjective 1. difficult to catch: […]
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[ih-loo-siv] /ɪˈlu sɪv/ adjective 1. or failing to allow for or accommodate a clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define: an elusive concept. 2. cleverly or skillfully evasive: a fish too elusive to catch. 3. difficult to find: hoping that elusive donors will finally contribute. /ɪˈluːsɪv/ adjective 1. difficult to catch: […]