[ih-loo-tree-eyt] /ɪˈlu triˌeɪt/
verb (used with object), elutriated, elutriating.
to purify by washing and straining or decanting.
to separate the light and heavy particles of by washing.
(transitive) to purify or separate (a substance or mixture) by washing and straining or decanting
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[ih-loo-vee-uh m] /ɪˈlu vi əm/ noun, plural eluvia [ih-loo-vee-uh] /ɪˈlu vi ə/ (Show IPA). Geology. 1. a deposit of soil, dust, etc., formed from the decomposition of rock and found in its place of origin. /ɪˈluːvɪəm/ noun (pl) -via (-vɪə) 1. a mass of sand, silt, etc: a product of the erosion of rocks that […]
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