[ih-loo-tree-ey-ter] /ɪˈlu triˌeɪ tər/
a machine for separating particles of mineral by elutriation.
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[ih-loo-vee-uh m] /ɪˈlu vi əm/ noun, plural eluvia [ih-loo-vee-uh] /ɪˈlu vi ə/ (Show IPA). Geology. 1. a deposit of soil, dust, etc., formed from the decomposition of rock and found in its place of origin. /ɪˈluːvɪəm/ noun (pl) -via (-vɪə) 1. a mass of sand, silt, etc: a product of the erosion of rocks that […]
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[ih-loo-vee-uh l] /ɪˈlu vi əl/ adjective 1. of or relating to eluviation or .
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[ih-loo-vee-eyt] /ɪˈlu viˌeɪt/ verb (used without object), eluviated, eluviating. 1. to undergo .
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[ih-loo-vee-ey-shuh n] /ɪˌlu viˈeɪ ʃən/ noun 1. the movement through the soil of materials brought into suspension or dissolved by the action of water. /ɪˌluːvɪˈeɪʃən/ noun 1. the process by which material suspended in water is removed from one layer of soil to another by the action of rainfall or chemical decomposition eluviation (ĭ-l’vē-ā’shən) The […]
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