[ih-lizh-ee-uh m, ih-lee-zhee-, ih-liz-, ih-lee-zee-, ih-lizh-uh m] /ɪˈlɪʒ i əm, ɪˈli ʒi-, ɪˈlɪz-, ɪˈli zi-, ɪˈlɪʒ əm/
Also called Elysian Fields. Classical Mythology. the abode of the blessed after death.
any similarly conceived abode or state of the dead.
any place or state of perfect happiness; paradise.
an area in the northern hemisphere of Mars, appearing as a light region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
(Greek myth) Also called Elysian fields. the dwelling place of the blessed after death See also Islands of the Blessed
a state or place of perfect bliss
1590s, from Latin Elysium, from Greek Elysion (pedion) “abode of the blessed” (see Elysian).
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