[el-i-truh m] /ˈɛl ɪ trəm/
noun, plural elytra
[el-i-truh] /ˈɛl ɪ trə/ (Show IPA). Obsolete.
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[em] /ɛm/ noun, plural ems. 1. the letter M, m. 2. Also called mut, mutton. Printing. 3. . adjective 4. Printing. having the area of an or the length of an . Symbol, Physical Chemistry. 1. (def 3). 1. . 2. . 3. electronic mail. 4. electron microscope; electron microscopy. 5. end matched. 6. Engineer […]
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[ih-mey-shee-ey-tid] /ɪˈmeɪ ʃiˌeɪ tɪd/ adjective 1. marked by . [ih-mey-shee-eyt] /ɪˈmeɪ ʃiˌeɪt/ verb (used with object), emaciated, emaciating. 1. to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh. /ɪˈmeɪsɪˌeɪtɪd/ adjective 1. abnormally thin /ɪˈmeɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. (usually transitive) to become or cause to become abnormally thin adj. 1660s, past participle adjective […]
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[ih-mey-shee-eyt] /ɪˈmeɪ ʃiˌeɪt/ verb (used with object), emaciated, emaciating. 1. to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh. /ɪˈmeɪsɪˌeɪt/ verb 1. (usually transitive) to become or cause to become abnormally thin v. 1620s (implied in emaciating), from Latin emaciatus, past participle of emaciare “make lean, waste away,” from ex- “out” […]
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[ih-mey-shee-ey-shuh n, -see-] /ɪˌmeɪ ʃiˈeɪ ʃən, -si-/ noun 1. abnormal thinness caused by lack of nutrition or by disease. 2. the process of . n. 1660s, from Latin emaciationem, noun of state from past participle stem of emaciare (see emaciate), or perhaps a native formation from emaciate. emaciation e·ma·ci·a·tion (ĭ-mā’shē-ā’shən) n. The process of losing […]
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language A dialect of Lisp used to implement the higher layers of the Free Software Foundation’s editor, GNU Emacs. Sometimes abbreviated to “elisp”. An enormous number of Emacs Lisp packages have been written including modes for editing many programming languages and interfaces to many Unix programs.