[em-uh-nuh nt] /ˈɛm ə nənt/
emanating or issuing from or as if from a source.
1852, from Latin emanantem (nominative emanans), present participle of emanare (see emanate).
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[em-uh-neyt] /ˈɛm əˌneɪt/ verb (used without object), emanated, emanating. 1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Synonyms: arise, spring, flow. verb (used with object), emanated, emanating. 2. to send forth; emit. /ˈɛməˌneɪt/ verb 1. (intransitive) often foll by from. to issue or proceed from or as […]
- Emanates
[em-uh-neyt] /ˈɛm əˌneɪt/ verb (used without object), emanated, emanating. 1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Synonyms: arise, spring, flow. verb (used with object), emanated, emanating. 2. to send forth; emit. /ˈɛməˌneɪt/ verb 1. (intransitive) often foll by from. to issue or proceed from or as […]
- Emanating
[em-uh-neyt] /ˈɛm əˌneɪt/ verb (used without object), emanated, emanating. 1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate. Synonyms: arise, spring, flow. verb (used with object), emanated, emanating. 2. to send forth; emit. /ˈɛməˌneɪt/ verb 1. (intransitive) often foll by from. to issue or proceed from or as […]
- Emanation
[em-uh-ney-shuh n] /ˌɛm əˈneɪ ʃən/ noun 1. an act or instance of . 2. something that or is . 3. Physical Chemistry. a gaseous product of radioactive disintegration, including radon, thoron, and actinon. Symbol: Em. /ˌɛməˈneɪʃən/ noun 1. an act or instance of emanating 2. something that emanates or is produced; effusion 3. a gaseous […]
- Emanations
[em-uh-ney-shuh n] /ˌɛm əˈneɪ ʃən/ noun 1. an act or instance of . 2. something that or is . 3. Physical Chemistry. a gaseous product of radioactive disintegration, including radon, thoron, and actinon. Symbol: Em. /ˌɛməˈneɪʃən/ noun 1. an act or instance of emanating 2. something that emanates or is produced; effusion 3. a gaseous […]