1650s; see emancipate + -ory.
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- Emarginate
[ih-mahr-juh-neyt, -nit] /ɪˈmɑr dʒəˌneɪt, -nɪt/ adjective 1. notched at the margin. 2. Botany. notched at the apex, as a petal or leaf. /ɪˈmɑːdʒɪˌneɪt/ adjective 1. having a notched tip or edge: emarginate leaves emarginate (ĭ-mär’jə-nĭt, -nāt’) Having a shallow notch at the tip, as in some petals and leaves or the tails of some birds.
- Emarginated
[ih-mahr-juh-neyt, -nit] /ɪˈmɑr dʒəˌneɪt, -nɪt/ adjective 1. notched at the margin. 2. Botany. notched at the apex, as a petal or leaf. /ɪˈmɑːdʒɪˌneɪt/ adjective 1. having a notched tip or edge: emarginate leaves emarginate (ĭ-mär’jə-nĭt, -nāt’) Having a shallow notch at the tip, as in some petals and leaves or the tails of some birds.
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