
[em-bar-uh s] /ɛmˈbær əs/

verb (used with object)
to cause confusion and shame to; make uncomfortably self-conscious; disconcert; abash:
His bad table manners embarrassed her.
to make difficult or intricate, as a question or problem; complicate.
to put obstacles or difficulties in the way of; impede:
The motion was advanced in order to embarrass the progress of the bill.
to beset with financial difficulties; burden with debt:
The decline in sales embarrassed the company.
verb (used without object)
to become disconcerted, abashed, or confused.
[am-braw] /ˈæm brɔ/
a river in E Illinois, flowing S and SE to the Wabash River. 185 miles (298 km) long.
verb (mainly transitive)
(also intransitive) to feel or cause to feel confusion or self-consciousness; disconcert; fluster
(usually passive) to involve in financial difficulties
(archaic) to make difficult; complicate
(archaic) to impede; obstruct; hamper

1670s, “perplex, throw into doubt,” from French embarrasser (16c.), literally “to block,” from embarras “obstacle,” from Italian imbarrazzo, from imbarrare “to bar,” from in- “into, upon” (see in- (2)) + Vulgar Latin *barra “bar.”

Meaning “hamper, hinder” is from 1680s. Meaning “make (someone) feel awkward” first recorded 1828. Original sense preserved in embarras de richesse (1751), from French (1726): the condition of having more wealth than one knows what to do with. Related: Embarrassed; embarrassing; embarrassingly.

1660s, from French embarras “obstacle;” see embarrass.

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