[em-buh-sij] /ˈɛm bə sɪdʒ/
noun, Archaic.
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[em-bat-l] /ɛmˈbæt l/ verb (used with object), embattled, embattling. 1. to arrange in order of battle; prepare for battle; arm. 2. to fortify (a town, camp, etc.). [em-bat-l] /ɛmˈbæt l/ verb (used with object), embattled, embattling. 1. to furnish with battlements. /ɪmˈbætəl/ verb (transitive) 1. to deploy (troops) for battle 2. to strengthen or fortify […]
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[em-buh-see] /ˈɛm bə si/ noun, plural embassies. 1. a body of persons entrusted with a mission to a sovereign or government, especially an ambassador and his or her staff. 2. the official headquarters of an ambassador. 3. the function or office of an ambassador. 4. a mission headed by an ambassador. /ˈɛmbəsɪ/ noun (pl) -sies […]
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[em-bat-ld] /ɛmˈbæt ld/ adjective 1. disposed or prepared for battle. 2. engaged in or beset by conflict or struggle. [em-bat-l] /ɛmˈbæt l/ verb (used with object), embattled, embattling. 1. to arrange in order of battle; prepare for battle; arm. 2. to fortify (a town, camp, etc.). [em-bat-l] /ɛmˈbæt l/ verb (used with object), embattled, embattling. […]
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[em-bat-l-muh nt] /ɛmˈbæt l mənt/ noun 1. .
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[em-bey] /ɛmˈbeɪ/ verb (used with object) 1. to enclose in or as if in a ; surround or envelop. 2. to form into a . /ɪmˈbeɪ/ verb (transitive; usually passive) 1. to form into a bay 2. to enclose in or as if in a bay 3. (esp of the wind) to force (a ship, […]