[em-bel-ish] /ɛmˈbɛl ɪʃ/
verb (used with object)
to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; adorn.
to enhance (a statement or narrative) with fictitious additions.
verb (transitive)
to improve or beautify by adding detail or ornament; adorn
to make (a story) more interesting by adding detail
to provide (a melody, part, etc) with ornaments See ornament (sense 5)
mid-14c., “to render beautiful,” from Old French embelliss-, stem of embellir “make beautiful, ornament,” from em- (see en- (1)) + bel “beautiful,” from Latin bellus (see bene-). Meaning “dress up (a narration) with fictitious matter” is from mid-15c. Related: Embellished; embellishing.
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[em-bel-ish] /ɛmˈbɛl ɪʃ/ verb (used with object) 1. to beautify by or as if by ornamentation; ornament; adorn. 2. to enhance (a statement or narrative) with fictitious additions. /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/ verb (transitive) 1. to improve or beautify by adding detail or ornament; adorn 2. to make (a story) more interesting by adding detail 3. to provide […]
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