[em-ber] /ˈɛm bər/
a small live piece of coal, wood, etc., as in a dying fire.
embers, the smoldering remains of a fire.
a glowing or smouldering piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire
the fading remains of a past emotion: the embers of his love
Old English æmerge “ember,” merged with or influenced by Old Norse eimyrja, both from Proto-Germanic *aim-uzjon- “ashes” (cf. Middle Low German emere, Old High German eimuria, German Ammern); a compound from *aima- “ashes” (from PIE root *ai- “to burn;” see edifice) + *uzjo- “to burn” (from PIE root *eus- “to burn;” cf. Latin urere “to burn, singe”). The -b- is intrusive.
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