[em-brit-l] /ɛmˈbrɪt l/
verb (used with or without object), embrittled, embrittling.
to make or become .
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[em-brit-l-muh nt] /ɛmˈbrɪt l mənt/ noun 1. the act or process of becoming brittle, as steel from exposure to certain environments or heat treatment or because of the presence of impurities.
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[em-broh-keyt, -bruh-] /ˈɛm broʊˌkeɪt, -brə-/ verb (used with object), embrocated, embrocating. 1. to moisten and rub with a liniment or lotion. /ˈɛmbrəʊˌkeɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to apply a liniment or lotion to (a part of the body) v. 1610s, from Medieval Latin embrocatus, past participle of embrocare, from Greek embrokhe “lotion, fomentation,” from embrekhein, from […]
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[em-broh-key-shuh n, -bruh-] /ˌɛm broʊˈkeɪ ʃən, -brə-/ noun 1. the act of a bruised or diseased part of the body. 2. the liquid used for this; a liniment or lotion. /ˌɛmbrəʊˈkeɪʃən/ noun 1. a drug or agent for rubbing into the skin; liniment embrocation em·bro·ca·tion (ěm’brə-kā’shən) n.
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[em-broi-der] /ɛmˈbrɔɪ dər/ verb (used with object) 1. to decorate with ornamental needlework. 2. to produce or form in needlework. 3. to adorn or embellish rhetorically, especially with ornate language or fictitious details: He embroidered the account of the shipwreck to hold his listeners’ interest. verb (used without object) 4. to do . 5. to […]