Embryonal carcinoma
embryonal carcinoma em·bry·on·al carcinoma (ěm’brē-ə-nəl)
A malignant neoplasm of the testis.
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embryonal carcinosarcoma n. See blastoma.
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- Embryonal leukemia
embryonal leukemia n. See stem cell leukemia.
- Embryonal tumor
embryonal tumor or embryonic tumor n. A usually malignant tumor arising during intrauterine or early postnatal development from the rudiments of an organ or from immature tissue and forming immature structures characteristic of the part from which it arises. Also called embryoma.
- Embryonic
[em-bree-on-ik] /ˌɛm briˈɒn ɪk/ adjective 1. pertaining to or in the state of an . 2. rudimentary; undeveloped. /ˌɛmbrɪˈɒnɪk/ adjective 1. of or relating to an embryo 2. in an early stage; rudimentary; undeveloped adj. 1849, from medical Latin embryonem (see embryo) + -ic. Figurative use is from 1856. embryonic em·bry·on·ic (ěm’brē-ŏn’ĭk) or em·bry·on·al (ěm’brē-ə-nəl) […]