noun, Embryology.
Also called embryonic shield. in the early embryo of mammals, the flattened inner cell mass that arises at the end of the blastocyst stage and from which the embryo begins to differentiate.
the blastodisk of yolky eggs.
embryonic disk n.
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- Embryonic-membrane
noun 1. . embryonic membrane n. See fetal membrane.
- Embryonic stem cell
Cells obtained from an embryo in the blastula phase, when they are still only a few days old. Because they have only begun to differentiate, these cells have the capability of developing into any cell in the human body, a fact which makes them potentially important in medicine. (See stem cell.)
- Embryonization
embryonization em·bry·on·i·za·tion (ěm’brē-ŏn’ĭ-zā’shən) n. The change of a cell or a tissue to an embryonic form or structure.
- Embryonoid
embryonoid em·bry·o·noid (ěm’brē-ə-noid’) adj. Resembling an embryo.
- Embryony
embryony em·bry·o·ny (ěm’brē-ə-nē) n. The condition of being an embryo.