embryonic membrane n.
See fetal membrane.
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- Embryonic stem cell
Cells obtained from an embryo in the blastula phase, when they are still only a few days old. Because they have only begun to differentiate, these cells have the capability of developing into any cell in the human body, a fact which makes them potentially important in medicine. (See stem cell.)
- Embryonization
embryonization em·bry·on·i·za·tion (ěm’brē-ŏn’ĭ-zā’shən) n. The change of a cell or a tissue to an embryonic form or structure.
- Embryonoid
embryonoid em·bry·o·noid (ěm’brē-ə-noid’) adj. Resembling an embryo.
- Embryony
embryony em·bry·o·ny (ěm’brē-ə-nē) n. The condition of being an embryo.
- Embryoplastic
embryoplastic em·bry·o·plas·tic (ěm’brē-ō-plās’tĭk) adj.