
[em-yuh-ley-shuh n] /ˌɛm yəˈleɪ ʃən/

effort or desire to equal or excel others.
Obsolete. jealous rivalry.
the act of emulating or imitating
the effort or desire to equal or surpass another or others
(archaic) jealous rivalry

1550s, from Middle French émulation (13c.) and directly from Latin aemulationem (nominative aemulatio), from past participle stem of aemulari “to rival, strive to excel,” from aemulus “striving, rivaling” (also as a noun, “a rival,” fem. aemula), from Proto-Italic *aimo-, from PIE *aim-olo, from root *aim- “copy” (see imitation).

When one system performs in exactly the same way as another, though perhaps not at the same speed. A typical example would be emulation of one computer by (a program running on) another. You might use an emulation as a replacement for a system whereas you would use a simulation if you just wanted to analyse it and make predictions about it.

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