En face
/ɑ̃ fas/
facing forwards
opposite; facing
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- Enfacement
[en-feys] /ɛnˈfeɪs/ verb (used with object), enfaced, enfacing. 1. to write, print, or stamp something on the of (a note, draft, etc.). 2. to write, print, or stamp (something) on the of a note, draft, etc. /ɪnˈfeɪs/ verb 1. (transitive) to write, print, or stamp (something) on the face of (a document)
- Enfaces
[en-feys] /ɛnˈfeɪs/ verb (used with object), enfaced, enfacing. 1. to write, print, or stamp something on the of (a note, draft, etc.). 2. to write, print, or stamp (something) on the of a note, draft, etc. /ɪnˈfeɪs/ verb 1. (transitive) to write, print, or stamp (something) on the face of (a document)
- En-famille
[ahn fa-mee-yuh] /ɑ̃ faˈmi yə/ adverb, French. 1. in or with the family; at home: to dine en famille. /ɑ̃ famij/ adverb 1. with one’s family; at home 2. in a casual way; informally
- Enfant sauvage
/ɑ̃fɑ̃ sovaʒ/ noun (pl) enfants sauvages (ɑ̃fɑ̃ sovaʒ) 1. a person given to naive, undisciplined, or unpredictable behaviour, largely because of youth and inexperience
- Enfant-terrible
[ahn-fahn te-ree-bluh] /ɑ̃ fɑ̃ tɛˈri blə/ noun, plural enfants terribles [ahn-fahn te-ree-bluh] /ɑ̃ fɑ̃ tɛˈri blə/ (Show IPA). French. 1. an incorrigible child, as one whose behavior is embarrassing. 2. an outrageously outspoken or bold person who says and does indiscreet or irresponsible things. 3. a person whose work, thought, or lifestyle is so unconventional […]