
[en-kohd] /ɛnˈkoʊd/

verb (used with object), encoded, encoding.
to convert (a message, information, etc.) into .
verb (transitive)
to convert (a message) from plain text into code
(computing) to convert (characters and symbols) into a digital form as a series of impulses Compare decode (sense 2)
to convert (an electrical signal) into a form suitable for transmission
to convert (a nerve signal) into a form that can be received by the brain
to use (a word, phrase, etc, esp of a foreign language) in the construction appropriate to it in that language

1919, from en- (1) “make, put in” + code. Computing sense is from 1955, usually shortened colloquially to code. Related: Encoded; encoding.
To specify the genetic code for the synthesis of a protein molecule or a part of a protein molecule.

1. To convert data or some physical quantity into a given format. E.g. uuencode.
See also encoder.
2. To encrypt, to perform encryption.

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