
[en-duh-mawrf] /ˈɛn dəˌmɔrf/

a mineral enclosed within another mineral.
Compare .
a person of the type.
a person with a fat and heavy body build: said to be correlated with viscerotonia Compare ectomorph, mesomorph
a mineral that naturally occurs enclosed within another mineral, as within quartz

1940 as one of W.H. Sheldon’s three types of human bodies, from endo- + Greek morphe “form” (see Morpheus). Related: Endomorphic.

endomorph en·do·morph (ěn’də-môrf’)
An individual having a body build characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.
en’do·mor’phic adj.
en’do·mor’phy n.

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