[e-nes-koh] /ɛˈnɛs koʊ/
[zhawrzh] /ʒɔrʒ/ (Show IPA), 1881–1955, Romanian violinist, composer, and conductor: teacher of Yehudi Menuhin.
Georges (ʒɔrʒ), original name George Enescu. 1881–1955, Romanian violinist and composer
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- Enetophobia
noun a fear of pins, needles; also written enetephobia
- E-neutrino
[ee-noo-tree-noh, ee-nyoo-] /ˈi nuˌtri noʊ, ˈi nyu-/ noun, plural e-neutrinos. Physics. 1. .
- Enface
[en-feys] /ɛnˈfeɪs/ verb (used with object), enfaced, enfacing. 1. to write, print, or stamp something on the of (a note, draft, etc.). 2. to write, print, or stamp (something) on the of a note, draft, etc. /ɪnˈfeɪs/ verb 1. (transitive) to write, print, or stamp (something) on the face of (a document)
- En face
/ɑ̃ fas/ adjective 1. facing forwards 2. opposite; facing
- Enfacement
[en-feys] /ɛnˈfeɪs/ verb (used with object), enfaced, enfacing. 1. to write, print, or stamp something on the of (a note, draft, etc.). 2. to write, print, or stamp (something) on the of a note, draft, etc. /ɪnˈfeɪs/ verb 1. (transitive) to write, print, or stamp (something) on the face of (a document)