
[en-juh n] /ˈɛn dʒən/

a machine for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy or power to produce force and motion.
a railroad locomotive.
a .
any mechanical contrivance.
a machine or instrument used in warfare, as a battering ram, catapult, or piece of artillery.
Obsolete. an instrument of torture, especially the rack.
any machine designed to convert energy, esp heat energy, into mechanical work: a steam engine, a petrol engine

(military) any of various pieces of equipment formerly used in warfare, such as a battering ram or gun
(obsolete) any instrument or device: engines of torture

c.1300, “mechanical device,” also “skill, craft,” from Old French engin “skill, cleverness,” also “trick, deceit, stratagem; war machine” (12c.), from Latin ingenium “inborn qualities, talent” (see ingenious). At first meaning a trick or device, or any machine (especially military); sense of “device that converts energy to mechanical power” is 18c., especially of steam engines.
A machine that turns energy into mechanical force or motion, especially one that gets its energy from a source of heat, such as the burning of a fuel. The efficiency of an engine is the ratio between the kinetic energy produced by the machine and the energy needed to produce it. See more at internal-combustion engine, steam engine., See also motor.

(1.) Heb. hishalon i.e., “invention” (as in Eccl. 7:29) contrivances indicating ingenuity. In 2 Chr. 26:15 it refers to inventions for the purpose of propelling missiles from the walls of a town, such as stones (the Roman balista) and arrows (the catapulta). (2.) Heb. mechi kobollo, i.e., the beating of that which is in front a battering-ram (Ezek. 26:9), the use of which was common among the Egyptians and the Assyrians. Such an engine is mentioned in the reign of David (2 Sam. 20:15).

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