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- Engraving
[en-grey-ving] /ɛnˈgreɪ vɪŋ/ noun 1. the act or art of a person who or thing that . 2. the art of forming designs by cutting, corrosion by acids, a photographic process, etc., on the surface of a metal plate, block of wood, or the like, for or as for the purpose of taking off impressions […]
- Engross
[en-grohs] /ɛnˈgroʊs/ verb (used with object) 1. to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb: Their discussion engrossed his attention. She is engrossed in her work. 2. to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record: to engross a deed. 3. to […]
- Engrossed
[en-grohs] /ɛnˈgroʊs/ verb (used with object) 1. to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb: Their discussion engrossed his attention. She is engrossed in her work. 2. to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record: to engross a deed. 3. to […]
- Engrossed-bill
noun, U.S. Government. 1. a bill that has been passed in one house of Congress.
- Engrossing
[en-groh-sing] /ɛnˈgroʊ sɪŋ/ adjective 1. fully occupying the mind or attention; absorbing: I’m reading the most engrossing book. [en-grohs] /ɛnˈgroʊs/ verb (used with object) 1. to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb: Their discussion engrossed his attention. She is engrossed in her work. 2. to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large […]