
[en-grohs] /ɛnˈgroʊs/

verb (used with object)
to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb:
Their discussion engrossed his attention. She is engrossed in her work.
to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record:
to engross a deed.
to acquire the whole of (a commodity), in order to control the market; monopolize.
verb (transitive)
to occupy one’s attention completely; absorb
to write or copy (manuscript) in large legible handwriting
(law) to write or type out formally (a deed, agreement, or other document) preparatory to execution
another word for corner (sense 21b)

c.1400, “to buy up the whole stock of” (in Anglo-French from c.1300), from Old French en gros “in bulk, in a large quantity, at wholesale,” as opposed to en detail. See gross.

Figurative sense of “absorb the whole attention” is first attested 1709. A parallel engross, meaning “to write (something) in large letters,” is from Anglo-French engrosser, from Old French en gros “in large (letters).” Related: Engrossed; engrossing.

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