
[en-jam-muh nt, -jamb-] /ɛnˈdʒæm mənt, -ˈdʒæmb-/

noun, plural enjambments
[en-jam-muh nts, -jamb-] /ɛnˈdʒæm mənts, -ˈdʒæmb-/ (Show IPA). Prosody.
the running on of the thought from one line, couplet, or stanza to the next without a syntactical break.
/ɪnˈdʒæmmənt; French ɑ̃ʒɑ̃bmɑ̃/
(prosody) the running over of a sentence from one line of verse into the next

also enjambement, 1837, from French enjambement or from enjamb (c.1600), from French enjamber “to stride over,” from en- (see en- (1)) + jambe “leg” (see jamb).

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