
[en-join] /ɛnˈdʒɔɪn/

verb (used with object)
to prescribe (a course of action) with authority or emphasis:
The doctor enjoined a strict diet.
to direct or order to do something:
He was enjoined to live more frugally.
Law. to prohibit or restrain by an .
verb (transitive)
to order (someone) to do (something); urge strongly; command
to impose or prescribe (a condition, mode of behaviour, etc)
(law) to require (a person) to do or refrain from doing (some act), esp by issuing an injunction

early 13c., engoinen, from stem of Old French enjoindre (12c.) “impose (on), inflict; subject to; assign (to),” from Latin injungere “to join, fasten, attach;” figuratively “to inflict, to attack, impose,” from in- “on” (see in- (2)) + jungere “to join” (see jugular). Related: Enjoined; enjoining.

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