[en-lil] /ˈɛn lɪl/
the king of the Sumerian gods and the god of the air.
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- Enlist
[en-list] /ɛnˈlɪst/ verb (used without object) 1. to enroll, usually voluntarily, for military service: He decided to enlist in the Marines. 2. to enter into some cause, enterprise, etc. verb (used with object) 3. to engage for military service: to enlist men for the army. 4. to secure (a person, services, etc.) for some cause, […]
- Enlisted-man
noun 1. any member of the U.S. armed services who is not a commissioned officer or a warrant officer, especially one ranking below a noncommissioned officer or a petty officer. noun 1. (US) a serviceman who holds neither a commission nor a warrant and is not under training for officer rank as a cadet or […]
- Enlisted-woman
noun 1. any female member of the U.S. armed services who is not a commissioned officer or a warrant officer, especially one ranking below a noncommissioned officer or a petty officer.
- Enlistee
[en-lis-tee] /ɛn lɪsˈti/ noun 1. a person who for military service. Compare . 2. an or woman.
- Enlistment
[en-list-muh nt] /ɛnˈlɪst mənt/ noun 1. the period of time for which one is committed to military service. 2. an act of . n. 1765, from enlist + -ment.