
[ih-nuhf] /ɪˈnʌf/

adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire:
enough water; noise enough to wake the dead.
an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency.
in a quantity or degree that answers a purpose or satisfies a need or desire; sufficiently.
fully or quite:
ready enough.
(used to express impatience or exasperation):
Enough! I heard you the first time.

that’s enough!, that will do: used to put an end to an action, speech, performance, etc
so as to be adequate or sufficient; as much as necessary: you have worked hard enough
(not used with a negative) very or quite; rather: she was pleased enough to see me
(intensifier): oddly enough, surprisingly enough
just adequately; tolerably: he did it well enough

c.1300, from Old English genog, a common Germanic formation (cf. Old Saxon ginog, Old Frisian enoch, Dutch genoeg, Old High German ginuog, German genug, Old Norse gnogr, Gothic ganohs).

This is a compound of ge- “with, together” (also a participial, collective, intensive, or perfective prefix) + root -nah, from PIE *nek- “reach, attain” (cf. Sanskrit asnoti “reaches,” Hittite ninikzi “lifts, raises,” Lithuanian nešti “to bear, carry,” Latin nancisci “to obtain”).

It is the most prominent among the surviving examples of Old English ge-, the equivalent of Latin com- and Modern German ge-, from PIE *kom- “beside, near, by, with” (see com-).

Meaning “moderately, fairly, tolerably” (good enough) was in Middle English. Understated sense of have had enough “have had too much” was in Old English (which relied heavily on double negatives and understatement). Colloquial ‘nough said is attested from 1839.

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