
[ep-i-kahr-dee-uh m] /ˌɛp ɪˈkɑr di əm/

noun, plural epicardia
[ep-i-kahr-dee-uh] /ˌɛp ɪˈkɑr di ə/ (Show IPA). Anatomy.
the inner serous layer of the pericardium, lying directly upon the heart.
noun (pl) -dia (-dɪə)
(anatomy) the innermost layer of the pericardium, in direct contact with the heart

epicardium ep·i·car·di·um (ěp’ĭ-kär’dē-əm)
n. pl. ep·i·car·di·a (-dē-ə)
The inner layer of the pericardium that is in contact with the surface of the heart. Also called visceral layer.
ep’i·car’di·al adj.

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