
[ep-i-dur-mis] /ˌɛp ɪˈdɜr mɪs/

Anatomy. the outer, nonvascular, nonsensitive layer of the skin, covering the true skin or corium.
Zoology. the outermost living layer of an animal, usually composed of one or more layers of cells.
Botany. a thin layer of cells forming the outer integument of seed plants and ferns.
Also called cuticle. the thin protective outer layer of the skin, composed of stratified epithelial tissue
the outer layer of cells of an invertebrate
the outer protective layer of cells of a plant, which may be thickened by a cuticle

1620s, from Greek epidermis, from epi “on” (see epi-) + derma “skin” (see derma). Related: Epidermal; epidermic.

epidermis ep·i·der·mis (ěp’ĭ-dûr’mĭs)
The nonvascular outer protective layer of the skin, covering the dermis.
ep’i·der’mal (-məl) or ep’i·der’mic adj.

epidermis [(ep-uh-dur-mis)]

The outside layers of the skin.

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