epipial ep·i·pi·al (ěp’ə-pī’əl, -pē’əl)
Located or positioned on the pia mater.
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- Epiplo-
epiplo- pref. Omentum: epiploic.
- Epiploic
epiploic ep·i·plo·ic (ěp’ə-plō’ĭk) adj. Omental.
- Epiploic appendix
epiploic appendix n. Any of several small processes or sacs of peritoneum, generally distended with fat and projecting from the serous coat of the large intestine. Also called epiploic appendage.
- Epiploic foramen
epiploic foramen n. The passage below and behind the portal fissure of the liver, connecting the two sacs of the peritoneum.
- Epiploon
epiploon e·pip·lo·on (ĭ-pĭp’lō-ŏn’) n. pl. e·pip·lo·a (-lō-ə) See greater omentum.