episcleral ep·i·scle·ral (ěp’ĭ-sklēr’əl)
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episcleral space n. The space between the sheath of eyeball and the sclera. Also called Tenon’s space.
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episcleral vein n. Any of a series of small venules in the sclera of the eye close to the corneal margin that empty into the anterior ciliary veins.
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episcleritis ep·i·scle·ri·tis (ěp’ĭ-sklə-rī’tĭs) n. Inflammation of the episcleral tissue.
- Episcopacy
[ih-pis-kuh-puh-see] /ɪˈpɪs kə pə si/ noun, plural episcopacies. 1. government of the church by bishops; church government in which there are three distinct orders of ministers, namely bishops, priests or presbyters, and deacons. 2. . /ɪˈpɪskəpəsɪ/ noun (pl) -cies 1. government of a Church by bishops 2. another word for episcopate n. 1640s; see episcopal […]
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[ih-pis-kuh-puh l] /ɪˈpɪs kə pəl/ adjective 1. of or relating to a : episcopal authority. 2. based on or recognizing a governing order of : an episcopal hierarchy. 3. (initial capital letter) designating the Anglican Church or some branch of it, as the Episcopal Church in America. noun 4. (initial capital letter) Informal. an . […]