
[ep-uh-sohd, -zohd] /ˈɛp əˌsoʊd, -ˌzoʊd/

an incident in the course of a series of events, in a person’s life or experience, etc.
an incident, scene, etc., within a narrative, usually fully developed and either integrated within the main story or digressing from it.
one of a number of loosely connected, but usually thematically related, scenes or stories constituting a literary work.
Music. an intermediate or digressive passage, especially in a contrapuntal composition.
Movies, Radio, and Television. any one of the separate productions that constitute a serial.
an incident, event, or series of events
any one of the sections into which a serialized novel or radio or television programme is divided
an incident, sequence, or scene that forms part of a narrative but may be a digression from the main story
(in ancient Greek tragedy) a section between two choric songs
(music) a contrasting section between statements of the subject, as in a fugue or rondo

1670s, “commentary between two choric songs in a Greek tragedy,” also “an incidental narrative or digression within a story, poem, etc.,” from French épisode or directly from Greek epeisodion “addition,” noun use of neuter of epeisodios “coming in besides,” from epi “in addition” (see epi-) + eisodos “a coming in, entrance” (from eis “into” + hodos “way”). Sense of “outstanding incident, experience” first recorded in English 1773. Transferred by 1930s to individual broadcasts of serial radio programs.

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