Epithelial dystrophy
epithelial dystrophy n.
Dystrophy of the cornea characterized by opacification of the central cornea and affecting primarily the epithelium and its basement membrane.
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[ep-uh-thee-lee-uh m] /ˌɛp əˈθi li əm/ noun, plural epitheliums, epithelia [ep-uh-thee-lee-uh] /ˌɛp əˈθi li ə/ (Show IPA). Biology. 1. any animal tissue that covers a surface, or lines a cavity or the like, and that, in addition, performs any of various secretory, transporting, or regulatory functions. /ˌɛpɪˈθiːlɪəm/ noun (pl) -liums, -lia (-lɪə) 1. an animal […]
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[ep-uh-thee-lee-uh-lahyz] /ˌɛp əˈθi li əˌlaɪz/ verb (used with or without object), epithelialized, epithelializing. 1. to form a covering of epithelial cells over, as a wound. epithelialize ep·i·the·li·al·ize (ěp’ə-thē’lē-ə-līz’) or ep·i·the·lize (-thē’līz) v. ep·i·the·li·al·ized or ep·i·the·lized, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·ing or ep·i·the·liz·ing, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·es or ep·i·the·liz·es To become covered with epithelial tissue, as of a wound.
- Epithelialization
[ep-uh-thee-lee-uh-lahyz] /ˌɛp əˈθi li əˌlaɪz/ verb (used with or without object), epithelialized, epithelializing. 1. to form a covering of epithelial cells over, as a wound. epithelialization ep·i·the·li·al·i·za·tion (ěp’ə-thē’lē-ə-lĭ-zā’shən) or ep·i·the·li·za·tion (-thē’lĭ-zā’shən) n. The process of covering a denuded surface with epithelium. epithelialize ep·i·the·li·al·ize (ěp’ə-thē’lē-ə-līz’) or ep·i·the·lize (-thē’līz) v. ep·i·the·li·al·ized or ep·i·the·lized, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·ing or ep·i·the·liz·ing, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·es […]
- Epithelialize
[ep-uh-thee-lee-uh-lahyz] /ˌɛp əˈθi li əˌlaɪz/ verb (used with or without object), epithelialized, epithelializing. 1. to form a covering of epithelial cells over, as a wound. epithelialize ep·i·the·li·al·ize (ěp’ə-thē’lē-ə-līz’) or ep·i·the·lize (-thē’līz) v. ep·i·the·li·al·ized or ep·i·the·lized, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·ing or ep·i·the·liz·ing, ep·i·the·li·al·iz·es or ep·i·the·liz·es To become covered with epithelial tissue, as of a wound.
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epithelial lamina n. The layer of modified ependymal cells that forms the inner layer of the choroid tela, facing the ventricle.