epizoology ep·i·zo·ol·o·gy (ěp’ĭ-zō-ŏl’ə-jē)
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[ep-uh-zoh-ot-ik] /ˌɛp ə zoʊˈɒt ɪk/ Veterinary Medicine adjective 1. (of diseases) spreading quickly among animals. noun 2. an epizootic disease. /ˌɛpɪzəʊˈɒtɪk/ adjective 1. (of a disease) suddenly and temporarily affecting a large number of animals over a large area noun 2. an epizootic disease Compare enzootic n. animal equivalent of epidemic, 1748, from French épizootique, […]
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epizootiology ep·i·zo·ot·i·ol·o·gy (ěp’ĭ-zō-ŏt’ē-ŏl’ə-jē) n.