[ep-uh-zoh-on, -uh n] /ˌɛp əˈzoʊ ɒn, -ən/
noun, plural epizoa
[ep-uh-zoh-uh] /ˌɛp əˈzoʊ ə/ (Show IPA). Biology.
an external parasite or commensal on the body of an animal; ectozoon.
noun (pl) -zoa (-ˈzəʊə)
an animal, such as a parasite, that lives on the body of another animal
epizoon ep·i·zo·on (ěp’ĭ-zō’ŏn, -ən)
n. pl. ep·i·zo·a (-zō’ə)
An epizoic organism.
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