Eprom otp
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory One Time Programmable
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A specification/prototyping language. Implemented in Franz Lisp. (ftp://utsun.s.u-tokyo.jp/lang/epros). [“Software Prototyping, Formal Methods and VDM”, Sharam Hekmatpour et al, A-W 1988].
1. earnings per share. abbreviation 1. earnings per share Encapsulated PostScript 1. earnings per share 2. encapsulated PostScript
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encapsulated PostScript files
- Epsilon
[ep-suh-lon, -luh n or, esp. British, ep-sahy-luh n] /ˈɛp səˌlɒn, -lən or, esp. British, ɛpˈsaɪ lən/ noun 1. the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (E, ε). 2. the consonant sound represented by this letter. 3. Mathematics. an arbitrarily small quantity, used to indicate that a given quantity is small, or close to zero. /ˈɛpsɪˌlɒn; […]
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[ep-suh-lon-del-tuh, -luh n- or, esp. British, ep-sahy-luh n-] /ˈɛp səˌlɒnˈdɛl tə, -lən- or, esp. British, ɛpˈsaɪ lən-/ adjective, Mathematics. 1. of or relating to a method or proof in calculus involving arbitrarily small numbers.