
An equational language. Bharat Jayaraman [email protected]. “EqL: The Language and its Implementation”, B. Jayaraman et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng SE-15(6):771-780 (June 1989).

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  • Eqc

    abbreviation (in New Zealand) 1. Earthquake Commission

  • Eqlog

    Equality, types and generic modules for logic programming. A language using Horn clauses. J.A. Goguen, J. Meseguer. OBJ2 plus logic programming based on Horn logic with equality. “EQLog: Equality, Types and Generic Modules for Logic Programming”, J. Goguen et al in Functional and Logic Programming, D. DeGroot et al eds, pp.295-363, P-H 1986.

  • Eqn

    Language for typesetting mathematics. “A System for Typesetting Mathematics”, B.W. Kernighan and L.L. Cherry, CACM 18(3):151-157 (Mar 1975).

  • Eqpt

    1. . equipment (shortwave transmission)

  • Eqq


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