[ee-kwuh-fawrm, ek-wuh-] /ˈi kwəˌfɔrm, ˈɛk wə-/
having the same shape or serving the same purpose.
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[ee-kwuh-lat-er-uh l, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlæt ər əl, ˌɛk wə-/ adjective 1. having all the sides equal: an equilateral triangle. noun 2. a figure having all its sides equal. 3. a side equivalent, or equal, to others. /ˌiːkwɪˈlætərəl/ adjective 1. having all sides of equal length: an equilateral triangle noun 2. a geometric figure having all […]
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noun 1. .
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[ee-kwuh-lat-er-uh-liz-uh m, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlæt ər əˌlɪz əm, ˌɛk wə-/ noun 1. a political theory developed during the Cold War period that promoted Europe’s political independence.
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[ih-kwil-uh-bruh nt] /ɪˈkwɪl ə brənt/ noun, Physics. 1. a counterbalancing force or system of forces. /ɪˈkwɪlɪbrənt/ noun 1. a force capable of balancing another force and producing equilibrium
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[ih-kwil-uh-breyt, ee-kwuh-lahy-breyt, ek-wuh-] /ɪˈkwɪl əˌbreɪt, ˌi kwəˈlaɪ breɪt, ˌɛk wə-/ verb (used with object), equilibrated, equilibrating. 1. to balance equally; keep in equipoise or . 2. to be in with; counterpoise. verb (used without object), equilibrated, equilibrating. 3. to be in ; balance. /ˌiːkwɪˈlaɪbreɪt; ɪˈkwɪlɪˌbreɪt/ verb 1. to bring to or be in equilibrium; balance