(in a reciprocating engine) a valve opening a passage from one end of a cylinder to the other to equalize pressure upon both faces of the piston.
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- Equimolecular
[ee-kwuh-muh-lek-yuh-ler, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwə məˈlɛk yə lər, ˈɛk wə-/ adjective, Physics, Chemistry. 1. containing equal numbers of molecules. /ˌiːkwɪməˈlɛkjʊlə/ adjective 1. (of substances, solutions, etc) containing equal numbers of molecules
- Equine
[ee-kwahyn, ek-wahyn] /ˈi kwaɪn, ˈɛk waɪn/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or resembling a horse: a bold, equine face. noun 2. a horse. /ˈɛkwaɪn/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or resembling a horse 2. of, relating to, or belonging to the family Equidae, which comprises horses, zebras, and asses adj. 1765, from Latin equinus, from […]
- Equine-distemper
noun, Veterinary Pathology. 1. 1 (def 1b). [dis-tem-per] /dɪsˈtɛm pər/ noun 1. Veterinary Pathology. 2. a deranged condition of mind or body; a disorder or disease: a feverish distemper. 3. disorder or disturbance, especially of a political nature. verb (used with object) 4. Obsolete. to derange physically or mentally. /dɪsˈtɛmpə/ noun 1. any of various […]
- Equine-encephalitis
noun, Pathology, Veterinary Pathology. 1. a viral disease of horses and mules that is communicable to humans, marked by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
- Equine herpesvirus
noun 1. (vet science) a viral disease of horses that may cause respiratory signs, abortion, neonatal death, and paresis. A vaccine is available against this disease EHV