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- Equinoctial-point
noun 1. either of the two points at which the celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect each other; the position of the sun’s center at the equinoxes. noun 1. either of the two points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
- Equinoctial-rains
plural noun 1. rainy seasons that occur in numerous regions near the equator, near or soon after the times of the .
- Equinoctial-storm
noun 1. a storm of violent winds and rain occurring at or near the time of an equinox and popularly, but erroneously, believed to be physically associated with it.
- Equinoctial-year
noun 1. (def 4b). [yeer] /yɪər/ noun 1. a period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 calendar months, now reckoned as beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31 (calendar year or civil year) Compare , . 2. a period of approximately the same length in other calendars. 3. a […]
- Equinovalgus
equinovalgus eq·ui·no·val·gus (ěk’wə-nō-vāl’gəs, ĭ-kwī’nō-) n. Talipes equinovalgus.