[ee-kwuh-poht-nt, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈpoʊt nt, ˌɛk wə-/
equal in power, ability, or effect.
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- Equipotential
[ee-kwuh-puh-ten-shuh l, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwə pəˈtɛn ʃəl, ˌɛk wə-/ adjective, Physics. 1. of the same or exhibiting uniform at every point: an equipotential surface. /ˌiːkwɪpəˈtɛnʃəl/ adjective 1. having the same electric potential or uniform electric potential 2. Also equipotent (ˌiːkwɪˈpəʊtənt). equivalent in power or effect noun 3. an equipotential line or surface equipotential (ē’kwə-pə-těn’shəl, ěk’wə-) […]
- Equipotentiality
[ee-kwuh-puh-ten-shuh l, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwə pəˈtɛn ʃəl, ˌɛk wə-/ adjective, Physics. 1. of the same or exhibiting uniform at every point: an equipotential surface. /ˌiːkwɪpəˈtɛnʃəl/ adjective 1. having the same electric potential or uniform electric potential 2. Also equipotent (ˌiːkwɪˈpəʊtənt). equivalent in power or effect noun 3. an equipotential line or surface equipotential (ē’kwə-pə-těn’shəl, ěk’wə-) […]
- Equipped
[ih-kwip] /ɪˈkwɪp/ verb (used with object), equipped, equipping. 1. to furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking; fit out, as a ship or army: They spent several thousand dollars to equip their boat. 2. to dress; array: He equipped himself in all his finery. 3. to furnish with intellectual […]
- Equant
[ee-kwuh nt, ee-kwant] /ˈi kwənt, ˈi kwænt/ adjective 1. (of a crystal) having all axes of the same length (opposed to ).
- Equanimously
[ih-kwan-uh-muh s] /ɪˈkwæn ə məs/ adjective 1. having or showing ; even-tempered: It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such impertinence. adj. 1650s, from Latin aequanimis (see equanimity) + -ous.