

a normal and happy old age

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    [yoo-glee-nuh] /yuˈgli nə/ noun 1. a genus of green freshwater protozoans having a reddish eyespot and a single flagellum, found especially in stagnant waters. /juːˈɡliːnə/ noun 1. any freshwater unicellular organism of the genus Euglena, moving by means of flagella and typically having holophytic nutrition. It has been variously regarded as an alga or a […]

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    [yoo-glee-nuh-fahyt] /yuˈgli nəˌfaɪt/ noun, Biology. 1. any member of the protist phylum Euglenophyta, comprising unicellular organisms, either green and photosynthetic or colorless and nonphotosynthetic, characterized by one or two anterior flagella and, in photosynthetic forms, an eyespot at the base of the flagella: in some classification schemes, an order of the animal phylum Mastigophora or […]

  • Euglenoids

    [yoo-glee-nuh-fahyt] /yuˈgli nəˌfaɪt/ noun, Biology. 1. any member of the protist phylum Euglenophyta, comprising unicellular organisms, either green and photosynthetic or colorless and nonphotosynthetic, characterized by one or two anterior flagella and, in photosynthetic forms, an eyespot at the base of the flagella: in some classification schemes, an order of the animal phylum Mastigophora or […]

  • Euglenophyte

    [yoo-glee-nuh-fahyt] /yuˈgli nəˌfaɪt/ noun, Biology. 1. any member of the protist phylum Euglenophyta, comprising unicellular organisms, either green and photosynthetic or colorless and nonphotosynthetic, characterized by one or two anterior flagella and, in photosynthetic forms, an eyespot at the base of the flagella: in some classification schemes, an order of the animal phylum Mastigophora or […]

  • Euglenophytes

    [yoo-glee-nuh-fahyt] /yuˈgli nəˌfaɪt/ noun, Biology. 1. any member of the protist phylum Euglenophyta, comprising unicellular organisms, either green and photosynthetic or colorless and nonphotosynthetic, characterized by one or two anterior flagella and, in photosynthetic forms, an eyespot at the base of the flagella: in some classification schemes, an order of the animal phylum Mastigophora or […]

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