
[yoo-rok-li-don, yuh-] /yʊˈrɒk lɪˌdɒn, yə-/

a stormy wind from the north or northeast that occurs in the Levant, which caused the ship in which St Paul was travelling to be wrecked (Acts 27:14)
any stormy wind

south-east billow, the name of the wind which blew in the Adriatic Gulf, and which struck the ship in which Paul was wrecked on the coast of Malta (Acts 27:14; R.V., “Euraquilo,” i.e., north-east wind). It is called a “tempestuous wind,” i.e., as literally rendered, a “typhonic wind,” or a typhoon. It is the modern Gregalia or Levanter. (Comp. Jonah 1:4.)

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