a plan for aiding the European nations in economic recovery after World War II, proposed by U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall in 1947 and implemented in 1948 under the Economic Cooperation Administration.
Abbreviation: ERP, E.R.P.
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- European recovery programme
noun 1. the official name for the Marshall Plan
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- European-redstart
noun 1. See under (def 1). [red-stahrt] /ˈrɛdˌstɑrt/ noun 1. any of several small, Old World thrushes, usually with reddish-brown tails, especially Phoenicurus phoenicurus (European redstart) 2. any of several fly-catching, New World warblers, especially Setophaga ruticilla (American redstart) having black and white plumage with reddish-orange patches. /ˈrɛdˌstɑːt/ noun 1. any European songbird of the […]
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