[eg-zahyl, ek-sahyl] /ˈɛg zaɪl, ˈɛk saɪl/
expulsion from one’s native land by authoritative decree.
the fact or state of such expulsion:
to live in exile.
a person banished from his or her native land.
prolonged separation from one’s country or home, as by force of circumstances:
wartime exile.
anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances.
the Exile, the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, 597–538 b.c.
verb (used with object), exiled, exiling.
to expel or banish (a person) from his or her country; expatriate.
to separate from country, home, etc.:
Disagreements exiled him from his family.
/ˈɛɡzaɪl; ˈɛksaɪl/
a prolonged, usually enforced absence from one’s home or country; banishment
the expulsion of a person from his native land by official decree
a person banished or living away from his home or country; expatriate
to expel from home or country, esp by official decree as a punishment; banish
/ˈɛɡzaɪl; ˈɛksaɪl/
the Exile, another name for Babylonian captivity
c.1300, from Old French essillier “exile, banish, expel, drive off,” from Late Latin exilare/exsilare, from Latin exilium/exsilium “banishment, exile,” from exul “banished person,” from ex- “away” (see ex-) + PIE root *al- “to wander” (cf. Greek alaomai “to wander, stray, or roam about”). Second element derived in ancient times by folk etymology from Latin solum “soil.” Related: Exiled; exiling.
c.1300, “forced removal from one’s country;” early 14c. as “a banished person;” from Old French exil, essil (12c.), from Latin exilium (see exile (v.)).
(1.) Of the kingdom of Israel. In the time of Pekah, Tiglath-pileser II. carried away captive into Assyria (2 Kings 15:29; comp. Isa. 10:5, 6) a part of the inhabitants of Galilee and of Gilead (B.C. 741). After the destruction of Samaria (B.C. 720) by Shalmaneser and Sargon (q.v.), there was a general deportation of the Israelites into Mesopotamia and Media (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9; 1 Chr. 5:26). (See ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF.) (2.) Of the kingdom of the two tribes, the kingdom of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim (Jer. 25:1), invaded Judah, and carried away some royal youths, including Daniel and his companions (B.C. 606), together with the sacred vessels of the temple (2 Chr. 36:7; Dan. 1:2). In B.C. 598 (Jer. 52:28; 2 Kings 24:12), in the beginning of Jehoiachin’s reign (2 Kings 24:8), Nebuchadnezzar carried away captive 3,023 eminent Jews, including the king (2 Chr. 36:10), with his family and officers (2 Kings 24:12), and a large number of warriors (16), with very many persons of note (14), and artisans (16), leaving behind only those who were poor and helpless. This was the first general deportation to Babylon. In B.C. 588, after the revolt of Zedekiah (q.v.), there was a second general deportation of Jews by Nebuchadnezzar (Jer. 52:29; 2 Kings 25:8), including 832 more of the principal men of the kingdom. He carried away also the rest of the sacred vessels (2 Chr. 36:18). From this period, when the temple was destroyed (2 Kings 25:9), to the complete restoration, B.C. 517 (Ezra 6:15), is the period of the “seventy years.” In B.C. 582 occurred the last and final deportation. The entire number Nebuchadnezzar carried captive was 4,600 heads of families with their wives and children and dependants (Jer. 52:30; 43:5-7; 2 Chr. 36:20, etc.). Thus the exiles formed a very considerable community in Babylon. When Cyrus granted permission to the Jews to return to their own land (Ezra 1:5; 7:13), only a comparatively small number at first availed themselves of the privilege. It cannot be questioned that many belonging to the kingdom of Israel ultimately joined the Jews under Ezra, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah, and returned along with them to Jerusalem (Jer. 50:4, 5, 17-20, 33-35). Large numbers had, however, settled in the land of Babylon, and formed numerous colonies in different parts of the kingdom. Their descendants very probably have spread far into Eastern lands and become absorbed in the general population. (See JUDAH, KINGDOM OF ØT0002126; CAPTIVITY.)
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