Exit wound
a wound made by a bullet or projectile that passes through the body
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- Ex-lege
[eks le-ge; English eks lee-jee] /ɛks ˈlɛ gɛ; English ɛks ˈli dʒi/ adverb, Latin. 1. by virtue of law.
- Ex lib.
1. ex libris. abbreviation 1. ex libris
- Ex-libris
[eks lee-bris, lahy-] /ɛks ˈli brɪs, ˈlaɪ-/ 1. from the library of (a phrase inscribed in or on a book before the name of the owner): Ex libris Jane Doe. noun, plural ex libris 2. an inscription in or on a book, to indicate the owner; bookplate. /ɛks ˈliːbrɪs/ adjective 1. from the collection or […]
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extended life tire
- Exmoor
[eks-moo r, -mawr, -mohr] /ˈɛks mʊər, -mɔr, -moʊr/ noun 1. a moorland in SW England, in Somersetshire and Devonshire: the scene of Blackmore’s novel, Lorna Doone. /ˈɛksˌmʊə; -ˌmɔː/ noun 1. a high moorland in SW England, in W Somerset and N Devon: chiefly grazing ground for Exmoor ponies, sheep, and red deer 2. a small […]