exoantigen ex·o·an·ti·gen (ěk’sō-ān’tĭ-jən)
See ectoantigen.
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- Exobiologist
[ek-soh-bahy-ol-uh-jee] /ˌɛk soʊ baɪˈɒl ə dʒi/ noun 1. the study of life beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as on other planets. /ˌɛksəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒɪ/ noun 1. another name for astrobiology exobiology (ěk’sō-bī-ŏl’ə-jē) The branch of biology that deals with the search for extraterrestrial life and the effects of extraterrestrial surroundings on living organisms. Also called astrobiology.
- Exobiology
[ek-soh-bahy-ol-uh-jee] /ˌɛk soʊ baɪˈɒl ə dʒi/ noun 1. the study of life beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as on other planets. /ˌɛksəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒɪ/ noun 1. another name for astrobiology exobiology (ěk’sō-bī-ŏl’ə-jē) The branch of biology that deals with the search for extraterrestrial life and the effects of extraterrestrial surroundings on living organisms. Also called astrobiology.
- Exobiota
[ek-soh-bahy-oh-tuh] /ˌɛk soʊ baɪˈoʊ tə/ noun 1. extraterrestrial life.
- Exocardia
exocardia ex·o·car·di·a (ěk’sō-kär’dē-ə) n. See ectocardia.
- Exocarp
[ek-soh-kahrp] /ˈɛk soʊˌkɑrp/ noun, Botany. 1. . /ˈɛksəʊˌkɑːp/ noun 1. another name for epicarp exocarp (ěk’sō-kärp’) The outermost layer of the pericarp. In a fleshy drupe such as a peach, the skin constitutes the exocarp. Also called epicarp. Compare endocarp, mesocarp.