[ek-soh-sahy-tohs, -tohz] /ˌɛk soʊ saɪˈtoʊs, -ˈtoʊz/
verb (used without object), exocytosed, exocytosing. Physiology.
(of a cell) to extrude by means of exocytosis.
[ek-soh-sahy-toh-sis] /ˌɛk soʊ saɪˈtoʊ sɪs/
noun, Physiology.
the transport of material out of a cell by means of a sac or vesicle that first engulfs the material and then is extruded through an opening in the cell membrane (distinguished from ).
a process by which material is exported from a biological cell
exocytosis ex·o·cy·to·sis (ěk’sō-sī-tō’sĭs)
n. pl. ex·o·cy·to·ses (-sēz’)
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