exodeviation ex·o·de·vi·a·tion (ěk’sō-dē’vē-ā’shən)
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[ek-suh-don-tiks] /ˌɛk səˈdɒn tɪks/ noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the branch of dentistry dealing with the extraction of teeth. /ˌɛksəʊˈdɒntɪks/ noun 1. (functioning as sing) the branch of dental surgery concerned with the extraction of teeth Also called exodontia (ˌɛksəʊˈdɒnʃə) exodontia ex·o·don·tia (ěk’sə-dŏn’shə, -shē-ə) n. Exodontics. exodontics ex·o·don·tics (ěk’sə-dŏn’tĭks) n. The dental specialty […]
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[ek-suh-don-tiks] /ˌɛk səˈdɒn tɪks/ noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the branch of dentistry dealing with the extraction of teeth. /ˌɛksəʊˈdɒntɪks/ noun 1. (functioning as sing) the branch of dental surgery concerned with the extraction of teeth Also called exodontia (ˌɛksəʊˈdɒnʃə) exodontics ex·o·don·tics (ěk’sə-dŏn’tĭks) n. The dental specialty dealing with tooth extraction. ex’o·don’tist n.
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[ek-suh-don-tist] /ˌɛk səˈdɒn tɪst/ noun 1. a specialist in .
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[ek-suh-dos] /ˈɛk səˌdɒs/ noun, plural exodoi [ek-suh-doi] /ˈɛk səˌdɔɪ/ (Show IPA) 1. (in ancient Greek drama) the final scene or departure, especially in tragedy and usually Old Comedy: usually following the last stasimon.
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[ek-soh-en-zahym] /ˌɛk soʊˈɛn zaɪm/ noun, Biochemistry. 1. an , as pepsin, that functions outside the cell producing it. /ˌɛksəʊˈɛnzaɪm/ noun 1. any enzyme, esp an exopeptidase, that acts upon terminal chemical bonds in a chain of molecules Compare endoenzyme 2. another name for ectoenzyme exoenzyme ex·o·en·zyme (ěk’sō-ěn’zīm’) n. See extracellular enzyme.